"Now the ship had gone down hard by an island in the midst of the main, and the winds and waves bore me on till, by permission of the Most High, they cast me up on the shore of the island, at the last gasp for toil and distress and half-dead with hunger and thirst. So I landed more like a corpse than a live man, and throwing myself down on the beach, lay there awhile till I began to revive and recover spirits, when I walked about the island, and found it as it were one of the garths and gardens of Paradise. Its trees, in abundance dight, bore ripe-yellow fruit for freight, its streams ran clear and bright, its flowers were fair to scent and to sight, and its birds warbled with delight the praises of Him to whom belong Permanence and All-might. So I ate my fill of the fruits and slaked my thirst with the water of the streams till I could no more, and I returned thanks to the Most High and glorified Him, after which I sat till nightfall hearing no voice and seeing none inhabitant. Then I lay down, well-nigh dead for travail and trouble and terror, and slept without surcease till morning, when I arose and walked about under the trees till I came to the channel of a draw well fed by a spring of running water, by which well sat an old man of venerable aspect, girt about with a waistcloth made of the fiber of palm fronds. Quoth I to myself. "Haply this Sheikh is of those who were wrecked in the ship and hath made his way to this island."
~ The Arabian Nights ~
translated by Sir Richard Burton

~ The Arabian Nights ~
translated by Sir Richard Burton

I am working on a long entry with lots of pictures that will be up later today. Moving into my house has been a wild adventure and I am building a magical world with mermaids everywhere, a Magic Ship, cottage gardens in the making, and I would like to share them with you all. It will be a long entry that will take awhile to write, so I wanted to give you a sneak peak.
Happy is the woman who was shipwrecked and has made her way to the island.
More to come...

Happy is the woman who was shipwrecked and has made her way to the island.
More to come...

wowwww,,,I love it. the colors are beautiful and surreal. you are truly making this a ship of dreams Maitri.
I am leaning forward with interest!
Thank you both so much! I am creating a magical land out here and it will be years in the making but I am getting "the bones" up first and I am having 3 foot tall and three feet deep garden boxes put all down the side of the house today and that will be the end of the work for now. (Ahem.... $$$) :o)
BUT, the garden areas are really important because I am a garden writer and photographer and one way I hope to make extra money is to spend the next few years really getting the garden going and growing and collect seeds and cuttings and little started plants to sell as extra income. I might even have a booth at the flea market to sell my garden things and fiber art. These days you have to spin a lot of plates to make extra income, so you might as well do things you enjoy.
I'm embarrassed to admit that I fell asleep watching the Academy Awards with a pug on my person last night and didn't get the entry written and have a 2:00 appt today, but it will be written by tonight.
Thanks so much for writing and have a lovely day!
Mermaids?! I love mermaids! I can't wait to see what you create. It will surely be magical. The garden sounds fabulous, too, and what a great idea to take cuttings to sell at the farmer's market with your fiber art! Warm hugs.
Thank you for all the great posts from last year! I look forward to reading your blog, because they are always full of information that I can put to use. Thank you again, and God bless you in 2010.
I've never seen a treeship like that.
You have a wonderful ship. And of course as a man I love mermaids. Waiting with great anticipation.
How wonderful for you Maitri creating your own enchanted cottage. I can't wait to see more photos.
It's gorgeous. Waiting to see more. :)
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