Friday, August 19, 2011

I Am Declaring The Rest Of The Month "Be Silly In August!"

"Don't Be Afraid To Look Silly."
~ Tara Strong ~

Dear Ones,

I remembered something today as I was wandering around out in the yard with the pugs. It just tickled me to pieces, and it prompted this silly yet sincere entry. I am declaring the rest of the month of August a time to be as silly as you can. At least do one silly thing a day. In these trying times with the economy, people struggling and out of work, the war raging on, if we can't be silly on a regular basis life could be unbearable. I make silly a daily practice, as serious a practice as meditation or prayer. Yes, I'm very serious. Now put your silly hat on and join me, especially those of you who always have your serious hat on and are horrified at the very thought.

I will share with you the memory that popped up... For a time I worked in the MRI department at the hospital. We would see some terribly sad cases, one in particular that got us all so down we couldn't see up. A lovely young woman who had been trying to get pregnant for some time finally did, she and her husband were elated, and then she found out that she had a very serious form of cancer. We saw hard cases all the time but this one just broke our hearts.

The next day, on the way to work, I was thinking that none of us could change that very sad situation, but we all needed a spirit-lifting to go on and do our jobs. I stopped at the drugstore on the way to work and bought a big box of those cheap little bottles of bubbles that we buy for our children. If ever there was a time we needed a little bit of the joy of that inner child that still lives within us, it was now.

I walked into the MRI department and went to every desk and every room, even my boss's, and handed them all a bottle of bubbles. I told them they had to use it at least 10 times. First, I think, some were a little startled and uneasy, but as I walked back down the corridor to my desk I could hear laughter starting all over around me. As I looked back down the hall I saw bubbles floating out of nearly every office and when I got back to my department all of the women were laughing and blowing bubbles at each other. The most bubbles of all were coming out of my boss's office. We laughed and blew bubbles all day. We blew bubbles at some of our more jovial patients. Some went down the halls of the hospital blowing bubbles. I never forgot that and many of them told me for some long time after that that it was their best day at work. Everybody needs bubbles. Go buy a bottle of bubbles, you have to use them at least 10 times a day, and get a bottle for every one you know that is sad or having a hard time. You won't regret it.

Then there was the time an old woman in the complex I lived in had just lost her husband. She was bereft. After a couple of weeks went by I cut a huge bouquet of flowers for her from my garden and had a bottle of bubbles in my pocket. She was so happy about the flowers and the big hug and kiss on the cheek I gave her she started to cry. She had no children in town and at 90 was a shut-in and saw few people besides "Meals on Wheels." As we sat and talked I said, "Mable, I have another little present for you and I want you to promise me you'll use it." She hesitatingly said okay and I pulled out a bottle of bubbles. I handed it to her and she looked something between baffled, embarrassed and confused. I went over and opened the bubbles and blew them right in her face. She burst out laughing. Then I handed them to her and she blew them in my face and we both laughed. I said, "Mable, you promise me you will get these bubbles out and blow them 10 times a day even if you never leave the house. Blow them at the t.v., blow them at the toaster, blow them at the refrigerator, take them into the bathroom and blow them while you're on the potty. This kind of shocked the hoo-ha out of her but she burst out laughing. She said, "You're crazy you know." I said, very seriously, "I try." I hugged her as I left and the next day when I went out to get in my car to do errands there stood Mable, standing on her doorstep, blowing bubbles out into the air and looking as happy as a little kid. I shouted "That a girl Mable, keep blowing!" and she blew bubbles in my direction. I drove off laughing out loud at the 90 year old woman filling the air with bubbles. Bubbles are magic!

Then, there were the flamingos. I was going through a very hard time and in a deep depression. I knew something had to pull me out of it and driving down the road I saw a little garden center that must have had one hundred pink plastic flamingos all over the place. I laughed all the way home. I got on eBay that night and ordered pink flamingos for my garden. I put them right on and was just thrilled with myself...

I mean did I look GRAND or what?

Then came the day that I found the flamingo hat and it rocked my world! I don't have a picture of me in it because there wasn't anyone around to take it, but this is the hat. I mean really, don't you just want to go out and get one???

For a time I wore it out every day to get my mail. I got dirty looks, perplexed looks and saw some people laughing. I told friends "If you can't do something to shock your neighbors you aren't living right." The year of the flamingos I decided to decorate my Christmas tree in flamingos and other little birds from the hobby shop. Sadly I didn't have enough flamingos to fill the tree but a friend sent me pink Christmas lights and that was my favorite Christmas tree ever. See...

It has a 1950's plastic atomic bomb ornament on the top and I tucked in any little odd thing I could find. You can't really appreciate it in this picture but you should have seen it at night with all the pink lights glowing and the flamingos sticking their necks out. In the end I stuck a few more garden flamingos in and I think it was my happiest Christmas ever! I'm all about vintage and kitsch.

That was also the year I bought the grandest light ever from an old lady who sold them on eBay. She made them herself and talk about kitschy! It breaks my heart that I don't still have it but I moved several times after that and I don't know what happened to it. She turned a white plastic plant pot upside down and screwed it to the bottom. Light Brite plastic pieces and even some little birds which, living in a house full of parrots at that time ticked me pink! This you've GOT to see. Everyone should have one. I wish I knew how to make them...

Oh! And one of the lights I found one Christmas just delighted me to pieces and I wish I had a picture. I left it up for a long long time until it kind of fell apart. I found the light at a tiny little country garden stand where I'd gone to buy a fresh pine wreath. In the little shed where you went in to pay there were these fabulous Christmas lights hung up all over in all kinds of bright colors and I practically jumped up and down. The lady, about 70, had made them (See, there's just no reason to fear getting old. Older people know how to have fun I just bought a DVD because I had read about it and they didn't have it on Netflix. It's called "Over 90 and Loving It." Oh my, it's one of the greatest most joyful movies I've ever seen. Beg, borrow, or buy that movie and you won't regret it!).

These delightful lights were made by gluing countless little clear plastic cups together, open side facing out, into a great big orb, and in the center, before the last cup was glued into place a whole strand of Christmas lights were stuffed in, leaving a long tail with the plug sticking out so you could plug it in. I wish I had purchased more but I love a Christmas tree with blue lights so I got a blue one. I used to sit at night with the lights out and stare at it just mesmerized. I mean really, the cheap little things like this that you can buy I believe really are the most precious joyful things of all. That's why I frequent junk shops, flea markets and the peculiar little shops that have all kinds of old weird things. I have purchased some really odd things there that have delighted me no end.

And every day you should do the hula...

And most definitely you should do the macarena every chance you get...

And you should you should certainly have flamingos on top of your refrigerator (You can never have too many flamingos!)...

And sometimes you should forget the hats and scarves and just wear birds. It's an old picture but I still look like this a lot of the time...

Now, there's not a lot of August left so get crackin'. And I would love for you to leave notes on the message board on the right and tell me about all the silly things that you do. Share the joy!

I do, however, have to warn you about two things. Watch out for the penguins. They are not to be trusted...

And never, I mean NEVER, have anything to do with a sheep wearing stockings and heels. They are ALL floozies and not to be trusted. They will tarnish your reputation...

My reputation is badly tarnished at this point, but maybe you can save yours. Just don't forget to be silly and I double dare you to go get some pink plastic flamingos and stick them everywhere. No serious gardener should be without them if you ask me...

Now get out there, be silly and have fun, and DON'T forget the bubbles!

Oh, and anyone want a banana?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I have been waiting for you for a long time...

My Dear Readers...

I have been giving a great deal of thought lately to how lucky I am that you are there. It is also my firm belief that while people are quick to complain when something is wrong, all too often no one bothers to say, "Thank you so much, this is just splendid!" when things go right. I do that. I probably sound a little wonky to the store-keepers, places of business, cell phone companies, and all the rest but I will even ask for their managers to tell them what wonderful service I have been given and how much I appreciate the customer service person who helped me. It is a very small gesture, certainly, but it has meant a great deal to many and I have been deeply touched.

And so I watch the scroll go by here on my blog and I read the comments and lovely notes left here on this board where we open our hearts to one another and I feel incredibly moved and blessed that such loving people with such open and gentle hearts take the time to stop and read and share a few thoughts. In the middle of a universe of people from around the globe that I have met in over a decade on the internet I have met some of the people who are dearest to me today, some very special friends, and more, and even further, the knowledge that I have the knowledge that, when I get up in the morning and do my chores -- going out with the pugs, getting them their breakfast, feeding and cooing and kissing the parrots, and finally leaning against the kitchen counter as I fire up the espresso machine, froth milk and make my latte --that my friends are waiting, such dear ones, ever near, at the flip of a switch. The internet has opened up a world for me, who seldom leaves my home, who works mostly in silence and solitude, with animals and some gentle folks that I work with to do healings. Most of my time is really very silent. 

You are my family, my community, my friends, and whoever you are, and wherever you are, I genuinely love you in the purest, sweetest, most innocent and yet true way. I hold you close in my heart, and very dear, I have you in my circle of silence as I meditate and pray, wishing you well, sending you positive, loving, gentle reiki energy, praying for your well-being, that you may feel peace, and calm, and that perfect stillness inside, if only for a few moments here and there. Feel them and let them carry you. You are in my thoughts as I carry the bird's water dishes in to wash and fill with fresh water, and stand on the step-stool on the porch to fill the feeders for the wild birds just outside these studio windows. I feel hearts around me, in an ever expanding concentric set of circles that fan out and out and out and reach all the way around the world and back to me. I am sending out so much love, I just cannot tell you. I so genuinely feel it and live it and believe it is my purpose that I continue in my thoughts to send out waves of warm, glowing, golden tinged pink light, the heart's light on angel wings, out to every single one of you reading this and far beyond. 

I love you. If you ever doubt that anyone does, doubt no longer. If you ever feel alone come to the blog and read my words. I offer them up, sometimes shyly, in an attempt to make you smile, or feel the tenderness that I lay out like a cloth to have a simple picnic on, a feast that feeds every part of us, heart, mind, body and soul. I believe that this is why we are here. I believe that we are all supposed to be this to one another.

I am a healer. With heart and hands and words, in silence and in song. This is my path. And while this is simply a blog it is a way to reach out to others and say here, dear, take my hand, feel this energy that connects you and I and he and she and all of the peoples of the world. We are one, and individually we must needs hold up our own little corner of the universe weaving together the strands of time, stitching back together broken hearts and broken dreams and broken lives for each other. We must all be healers for everyone around us. It is possible. Hold a child's face gently in your hands and kiss away the tears. You are a healer. This is how it all begins.

 I hold tiny Penny, the new little rescue pug that came to me having been sorely neglected and left with many hard problems for life, and yet she is tiny and soft and gentle and sweet and her little face just looks up at me with so much trust and love. She gives me many tiny butterfly kisses and nuzzles me. As she is almost completely blind I carry her out into the fenced yard that the boys frolic in all on their own, and she steps gingerly around, finding her special places, and I usually carry her to two different spots. She likes to do her business in separate places. And I am always near but if for a moment she kind of freezes and just stands there, lost, before I can even get to her her two pug brothers run to her, on either side, flank to flank, and nuzzle her and stay there for the brief moment it takes for me to walk the few feet to her. This bond between these little dogs who are vastly different ages and never knew Penny until less than three weeks ago, touches me so deeply I just cannot tell you. It has brought tears to my eyes. If these small creatures can look out for a new little one in need, can we not do that for one another?

And so I wanted to take the time today to say thank you. I wanted to say that I appreciate you, your presence here as you stop by to read or say hello, or even thinking of you doing kind and loving things for others in your own corner of the world. We may stand continents apart, but truly, we are joined, heart to heart.

And so dear readers, dear friends, know that I am here, even though you can't see me. Know that even if you visit at a time that I am fast asleep the energy of your presence warms my soul. Know that I know how busy you are and yet you have taken time to stop by for a few moments. Know that I bless you as you go, and send with you an invisible cloak made of handspun threads of gold and glittering pink, invisible to you, but perhaps somewhere in your subconscious mind you will be able to feel, to know, that you are not alone, that you are loved, cherished, touched softly on the cheek, and blessed, even though I am many miles or light years away. And for a moment close your eyes, and breathe deeply, calmly, rhythmically, and open your heart and hands and think silently, "I love you, all of you, my brothers and sisters. Let us stand together. Let us be at peace."

I say this everyday. I am saying it now. I will continue on. And for now I give you a gentle kiss on the forehead and blow gently to send healing light and love from my hands and heart to you. I love you. Let's love one another. Let's be true. No one need ever hurt again if we each do our part. 

Each one, reach one. And love, always love...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Tanner Has His Say, "Sam and Penny Aren't The Only Pugs In The House!"

I'm Depressed...

I mean really, what with all the pictures of old Sam and new Penny you'd think they were the only two pugs in the house. Well, I'm here too. And I'm only 2. I'm the puppy...

I'm little too...

I can't help it that I'm not a runt like Penny. (Sniff) I mean I feel sorry for her, she had a hard life. I was just a stray, running in the street, with no family... (Little Puppy Sob) But I came after Mom and Sam had lost 4 dogs in one year, and Sam was so so depressed Mom was worried about him. He lost 2 brothers 3 weeks apart. So mom got ME. She said I'm her little "Joy Boy," and she tells everyone I brought she and Sam back to life. Somebody had to do it...

I'm scary too...

But don't get the wrong impression. I'm not pitiful like some of the, ahem, others here. I am mama's fierce protector and NO one will get past me. Nosirree...

My favorite place...

Mostly I just like to lay up here on the old brown chair next to mama when she's on the computer. I'm the only one that gets up here, and I rest on mama's knee while she works. I can jump up here you see. Some pugs are too old and some are pip squeaks and can't make it up, so this is my chair and this is where we are right now and this is where I'm gonna stay. Right here. I'm not moving. Except...

... mama is about to go outside to take pictures of the garden and carry the little runt out. She doesn't carry me out. But I've got this chair. Nobody else will ever get this chair.

I just wanted you to know. Sam and Penny aren't the only pugs in the house.



...or Tanner Bannaner, or Tanny Tanny Bo Banny Banana Fanna Fo Fanny Fi Fi Mo Manny, Tannnnnyyyyyyy..... (That last one is SO embarrassing... sigh...)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Settling In & Tending Our Wild Gardens...

Dear Ones...

So tiny Penny and big brother Sam are settling in. I write with them next to me snuggled together in their bed. This is one of the joys of life at Dragonfly Cottage. When a new little arrival is finally just a part of the family and no longer "the new kid on the block" you know that you have crossed another threshold, the family expanded becomes the family simply as it is. 

This is my attempt at updating the blog more often. Somewhat random thoughts as they float through the hemisphere of my brain like clouds in the sky. And so I was thinking, just this morning, as I walked around the yard while the dogs did their business, and meandered over to the Wild Garden, that place where I break all the rules and cast seeds with wild abandon, and imagine that I am doing it just as Mother Nature intended that this is the way we should live. The garden will result in a helter skelter topsy turvy cottage garden with a tangle of flowers in abundance. I just love this. Imagine how rich our lives would be if we weren't so darned careful and cautious about every little thing.

When you see fields of flowers no one planted them in careful rows. However the seeds were originally planted finally they were left to their own devices, flowered, went to seed, the pods burst and were carried on the wind, and each year the wild flowers spread further and further until there was such a glory of flowers you wonder how it could have possibly happened. When I become The Whirling Dervish Of Seeds this is exactly what I am trying to achieve, and I have done it again and again and again, which makes me wonder. Unlike the areas of my garden that are carefully and artfully planted, and the roses which need much tending, and the flowers in pots amidst flamingos, gnomes, and other magical garden creatures, the wild garden allows some place in me that longs to just burst forth, no matter how the world around me might take the outcome, to be fully and freely me. Too, in such a garden, as the years go by, what were originally many kinds of flowers will settle into fewer. Only the strong survive. Which made me think that...

... we should do this in our own lives. In my own particular case I have struggled terribly, when working on the present book, after many false starts, to find just the things I want to write about, the things that matter, the strong pieces that will hold with time and spread across the land having, I fervently hope, a lasting effect, resonating with people long after they have read the book, a book that hopes to heal the heart, lighten the mood, touch the soul, make one smile, and perhaps tear up a little, moves the reader to rejoice and see through my words into their own lives. I am only a vehicle, a way to find your own true heart. This is what my writing was meant to do, has tried to do for so many years. 

 And so there is only one way to approach this, to write it all, to write with wild abandon, not to worry if it's "right" or really belongs in the book. Like casting seeds in the garden helter skelter, I am doing the same in the pages of the book I am writing, and as I go along some pieces will fall by the wayside while others cast their seeds allowing the book to grow and grow and be the book that will birth all the ones to follow. In any case this is the method to my madness, my writing practice, throwing all the pieces and bits of my life into the soup -- pugs and parrots and garden and my philosophies about life, washing the dishes, trying to live mindfully, meditating, praying, walking barefoot, falling from grace, getting back up and starting all over again. I will write about many things and the book is telling me what it's supposed to be. My typical blog entries here have taken me sometimes days to write, carefully composed, and this has meant that there were too few entries and that I have lost touch with the frequency of interraction with my readers and a more natural way of being with you here. I think of Colette's line, "What's the point of this wish, this journey, this magical flying carpet?" In terms of a blog I think it should be more free-flowing and in the moment. My blog is teaching me how to write a blog entry. And it's about time. 

I am about to take a nap with the three pugs. They have been waiting patiently because it is past our usual naptime so I will stop here and come back tomorrow. These entries will be the warm-up times for working on my book and I love the freedom that that will bring. Like new little Penny I am settling, finally, into a routine that works. As I have more and more to do -- I got my certificate for having achieved Reiki II status on Sunday and in just less than 3 weeks will do my one on one several hour session with my teacher to become a Reiki Master. There are several other modalities I am working on, bird cages to clean, African violets that line a long counter overlooking the forest that hides the back of the cottage from the world with the Magic Ship at the back, to water, laundry to do, life to live, and I will be talking to the trees and the roses that are growing, cheering them on and wonder of wonders glorying in the roses that were, a couple of months ago, barely slips of plants now almost all in flower -- I am more and more organized so that I am accomplishing much more in less time and it is a joy beyond measure. 

Let's dive in wherever we are and not worry about what comes out and if it all makes sense and if people care because we are changing our focus, whatever is going on in our lives. Let's have fun. I think that's the only way to approach life. 

I will now curl up under a pile of pugs and take a nap so that I can get up and write late into the night. I love my life despite it's ups and downs. I ride the teeter-totter that my days bring with more equanimity and simply being alive is a relief. I am here, it is now, everything will get done soon enough. I am tired of worrying. I am going to allow myself to be happy. Imagine that!

The pugs and I send you love, and now we 4 will all go to snore together...